Second Day, Second Year, Second Child, every second counts

As the world tries to recover back from the holiday season and new year celebrations, I enjoy my most eventful day of the year. The Second of January, 2019 is special for these reasons.

  • It lies sandwiched between the birthdays of two (again) of the three most important ladies in my life – Daugther’s on 1st, and Mother’s on 3rd January.
  • Two years back, I chose this day to begin my wonderful career journey at Automattic Inc. as a Happiness Engineer for the division. I hope to grow each year in my contribution to work and the joy i derive by a power of Two.
  • The year-gone-by made me a father of Two kids! The quality of life that my workplace has given me and watching my colleagues with multiple kids encouraged me to take the bold move. Total props to Varsha who made huge sacrifices for this second one! Looking back, What a year it was!

I look forward to some great times ahead! I hope you have yours two!






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